using DataFrames
using CSV
using Plots
using Statistics
using StatsPlots
using Shapefile
# using ZipFile

# for f in r.files
#     println("Filename: $(")
#     open(, "w") do io
#         write(io, read(f))
#     end
# end
# close(r)
shp_countries = Shapefile.shapes(Shapefile.Table("./ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp"));

Load data from csv

df_drivers ="drivers.csv", DataFrame);
df_circuits ="circuits.csv", DataFrame);
df_results ="results.csv", DataFrame);
df_races ="races.csv", DataFrame);
df_constructors ="constructors.csv", DataFrame);

Sample and describe data

first(df_drivers, 5) #show first 5

5 rows × 9 columns (omitted printing of 1 columns)

driverId driverRef number code forename surname dob nationality
Int64 String31 String3 String3 String31 String31 Date String31
1 1 hamilton 44 HAM Lewis Hamilton 1985-01-07 British
2 2 heidfeld \\N HEI Nick Heidfeld 1977-05-10 German
3 3 rosberg 6 ROS Nico Rosberg 1985-06-27 German
4 4 alonso 14 ALO Fernando Alonso 1981-07-29 Spanish
5 5 kovalainen \\N KOV Heikki Kovalainen 1981-10-19 Finnish
df_drivers |> describe

9 rows × 7 columns (omitted printing of 3 columns)

variable mean min median
Symbol Union… Any Any
1 driverId 427.554 1 427.5
2 driverRef Cannoc
3 number 10
4 code AIT
5 forename Adolf
6 surname Abate
7 dob 1896-12-28 1936-12-28
8 nationality American
9 url
first(df_circuits, 5) #show first 5

5 rows × 9 columns (omitted printing of 4 columns)

circuitId circuitRef name location country
Int64 String15 String String31 String15
1 1 albert_park Albert Park Grand Prix Circuit Melbourne Australia
2 2 sepang Sepang International Circuit Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
3 3 bahrain Bahrain International Circuit Sakhir Bahrain
4 4 catalunya Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya Montmeló Spain
5 5 istanbul Istanbul Park Istanbul Turkey
df_circuits |> describe

9 rows × 7 columns (omitted printing of 2 columns)

variable mean min median max
Symbol Union… Any Union… Any
1 circuitId 40.0 1 40.0 79
2 circuitRef BAK zolder
3 name A1-Ring Zolder
4 location Abu Dhabi Zandvoort
5 country Argentina Vietnam
6 lat 33.519 -37.8497 40.9517 57.2653
7 lng 3.09617 -118.189 4.32694 144.968
8 alt -7 \\N
9 url

79 rows × 6 columns

location country lat lng alt url
String31 String15 Float64 Float64 String7 String
1 Melbourne Australia -37.8497 144.968 10
2 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 2.76083 101.738 18
3 Sakhir Bahrain 26.0325 50.5106 7
4 Montmeló Spain 41.57 2.26111 109
5 Istanbul Turkey 40.9517 29.405 130
6 Monte-Carlo Monaco 43.7347 7.42056 7
7 Montreal Canada 45.5 -73.5228 13
8 Magny Cours France 46.8642 3.16361 228
9 Silverstone UK 52.0786 -1.01694 153
10 Hockenheim Germany 49.3278 8.56583 103
11 Budapest Hungary 47.5789 19.2486 264
12 Valencia Spain 39.4589 -0.331667 4
13 Spa Belgium 50.4372 5.97139 401
14 Monza Italy 45.6156 9.28111 162
15 Marina Bay Singapore 1.2914 103.864 18
16 Oyama Japan 35.3717 138.927 583
17 Shanghai China 31.3389 121.22 5
18 São Paulo Brazil -23.7036 -46.6997 785
19 Indianapolis USA 39.795 -86.2347 223
20 Nürburg Germany 50.3356 6.9475 578
21 Imola Italy 44.3439 11.7167 37
22 Suzuka Japan 34.8431 136.541 45
23 Spielberg Austria 47.2197 14.7647 678
24 Abu Dhabi UAE 24.4672 54.6031 3
⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮
first(df_results, 5) #show first 5

5 rows × 18 columns (omitted printing of 10 columns)

resultId raceId driverId constructorId number grid position positionText
Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 String3 Int64 String3 String3
1 1 18 1 1 22 1 1 1
2 2 18 2 2 3 5 2 2
3 3 18 3 3 7 7 3 3
4 4 18 4 4 5 11 4 4
5 5 18 5 1 23 3 5 5
df_results |> describe

18 rows × 7 columns

variable mean min median max nmissing eltype
Symbol Union… Any Union… Any Int64 DataType
1 resultId 12731.3 1 12730.5 25465 0 Int64
2 raceId 523.144 1 507.0 1076 0 Int64
3 driverId 254.98 1 160.0 855 0 Int64
4 constructorId 47.9288 1 25.0 214 0 Int64
5 number 0 \\N 0 String3
6 grid 11.1959 0 11.0 34 0 Int64
7 position 1 \\N 0 String3
8 positionText 1 W 0 String3
9 positionOrder 12.9115 1 12.0 39 0 Int64
10 points 1.82903 0.0 0.0 50.0 0 Float64
11 laps 45.8567 0 52.0 200 0 Int64
12 time + 1:06.7 \\N 0 String15
13 milliseconds 10014100 \\N 0 String15
14 fastestLap 10 \\N 0 String3
15 rank 0 \\N 0 String3
16 fastestLapTime 0:55.404 \\N 0 String15
17 fastestLapSpeed 100.615 \\N 0 String7
18 statusId 17.6454 1 11.0 139 0 Int64
first(df_races, 5) #show first 5

5 rows × 8 columns

raceId year round circuitId name date time url
Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 String31 String15 String15 String
1 1 2009 1 1 Australian Grand Prix 29/03/09 6:00:00
2 2 2009 2 2 Malaysian Grand Prix 05/04/09 9:00:00
3 3 2009 3 17 Chinese Grand Prix 19/04/09 7:00:00
4 4 2009 4 3 Bahrain Grand Prix 26/04/09 12:00:00
5 5 2009 5 4 Spanish Grand Prix 10/05/09 12:00:00
df_races |> describe

8 rows × 7 columns (omitted printing of 3 columns)

variable mean min median
Symbol Union… Any Union…
1 raceId 542.02 1 540.0
2 year 1991.39 1950 1993.0
3 round 8.43281 1 8.0
4 circuitId 22.405 1 18.0
5 name 70th Anniversary Grand Prix
6 date 01/01/65
7 time 10:10:00
8 url
first(df_constructors, 5) #show first 5

5 rows × 5 columns

constructorId constructorRef name nationality url
Int64 String31 String31 String15 String
1 1 mclaren McLaren British
2 2 bmw_sauber BMW Sauber German
3 3 williams Williams British
4 4 renault Renault French
5 5 toro_rosso Toro Rosso Italian
df_constructors |> describe

5 rows × 7 columns (omitted printing of 2 columns)

variable mean min median max
Symbol Union… Any Union… Any
1 constructorId 107.038 1 107.0 214
2 constructorRef adams zakspeed
3 name AFM Zakspeed
4 nationality American Swiss
5 url

Joining data from different sources

df_resul = innerjoin(df_results, df_drivers, on = :driverId, makeunique=true);
df_resulcons = innerjoin(df_resul, df_races, on = :raceId, makeunique=true);
df_resulrac = innerjoin(df_resulcons, df_constructors, on = :constructorId, makeunique=true);
first(df_resul, 5)

5 rows × 26 columns (omitted printing of 18 columns)

resultId raceId driverId constructorId number grid position positionText
Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 String3 Int64 String3 String3
1 1 18 1 1 22 1 1 1
2 2 18 2 2 3 5 2 2
3 3 18 3 3 7 7 3 3
4 4 18 4 4 5 11 4 4
5 5 18 5 1 23 3 5 5
for nam in names(df_resul)

Plot Map with Circuits

lat = df_circuits[!,"lat"];
lng = df_circuits[!,"lng"];
plot(shp_countries, alpha=0.21)
scatter!(lng, lat, ms = 3, c = "red", type="heatmap")
title!("Formula One Circuits")

Drivers with more Wins

wins(pos) = pos == "1"
df_numWins = filter(:position => wins, df_resul)

1,063 rows × 26 columns (omitted printing of 18 columns)

resultId raceId driverId constructorId number grid position positionText
Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 String3 Int64 String3 String3
1 1 18 1 1 22 1 1 1
2 23 19 8 6 1 2 1 1
3 45 20 13 6 2 2 1 1
4 67 21 8 6 1 1 1 1
5 89 22 13 6 2 1 1 1
6 109 23 1 1 22 3 1 1
7 129 24 9 2 4 2 1 1
8 149 25 13 6 2 2 1 1
9 169 26 1 1 22 4 1 1
10 189 27 1 1 22 1 1 1
11 209 28 5 1 23 2 1 1
12 229 29 13 6 2 1 1 1
13 249 30 13 6 2 2 1 1
14 269 31 20 5 15 1 1 1
15 289 32 4 4 5 15 1 1
16 309 33 4 4 5 4 1 1
17 329 34 1 1 22 1 1 1
18 349 35 13 6 2 1 1 1
19 369 36 8 6 6 1 1 1
20 391 37 4 1 1 2 1 1
21 413 38 13 6 5 1 1 1
22 435 39 13 6 5 1 1 1
23 457 40 4 1 1 1 1 1
24 479 41 1 1 2 1 1 1
⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮

5 rows × 26 columns (omitted printing of 18 columns)

resultId raceId driverId constructorId number grid position positionText
Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 String3 Int64 String3 String3
1 1 18 1 1 22 1 1 1
2 23 19 8 6 1 2 1 1
3 45 20 13 6 2 2 1 1
4 67 21 8 6 1 1 1 1
5 89 22 13 6 2 1 1 1
df_numWins |> names;
gdf = groupby(df_numWins, :driverId);
dfw = combine(gdf, nrow => :WinsCount);
df_drivers_winners = innerjoin(dfw, df_drivers, on = :driverId, makeunique=true);
sort!(df_drivers_winners, :WinsCount, rev=true);
bar( df_drivers_winners[:,:driverRef], df_drivers_winners[:,:WinsCount], rotation=45, xticks = :all,size=(1200,400) )

Very hard to see with this long tail, so we will limit to top 25 drivers

df_drivers_winners25 = first(df_drivers_winners,25); #show first 25
bar( df_drivers_winners25[:,:driverRef], df_drivers_winners25[:,:WinsCount], 
    rotation=45, xticks = :all,size=(800,400), 
    title="Top 25 Formula One Drivers with the Most Wins")

Constructors ChampionShip by Season

df_numWins = filter(:year => year -> year == 2013, df_resulrac);
gdf = groupby(df_numWins, :constructorRef);
dfc = combine(gdf, :points => sum)

11 rows × 2 columns

constructorRef points_sum
String31 Float64
1 lotus_f1 315.0
2 ferrari 354.0
3 red_bull 596.0
4 mercedes 360.0
5 force_india 77.0
6 mclaren 122.0
7 toro_rosso 33.0
8 sauber 57.0
9 williams 5.0
10 marussia 0.0
11 caterham 0.0
sort!(dfc, :points_sum, rev=true);
bar( dfc[:,:constructorRef], dfc[:,:points_sum], rotation=45, xticks = :all,size=(800,400), 
    title="Constructor Championship Ranking")
construcRanking(y) = filter(:year => year -> year == y, df_resulrac);

340 rows × 37 columns (omitted printing of 29 columns)

resultId raceId driverId constructorId number grid position positionText
Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 String3 Int64 String3 String3
1 24626 1031 822 131 77 1 1 1
2 24627 1031 844 6 16 7 2 2
3 24628 1031 846 1 4 3 3 3
4 24629 1031 1 131 44 5 4 4
5 24630 1031 832 1 55 8 5 5
6 24631 1031 815 211 11 6 6 6
7 24632 1031 842 213 10 12 7 7
8 24633 1031 839 4 31 14 8 8
9 24634 1031 841 51 99 18 9 9
10 24635 1031 20 6 5 11 10 10
11 24636 1031 849 3 6 20 11 11
12 24637 1031 826 213 26 13 12 12
13 24638 1031 848 9 23 4 13 13
14 24639 1031 8 51 7 19 \\N R
15 24640 1031 847 3 63 17 \\N R
16 24641 1031 154 210 8 15 \\N R
17 24642 1031 825 210 20 16 \\N R
18 24643 1031 840 211 18 9 \\N R
19 24644 1031 817 4 3 10 \\N R
20 24645 1031 830 9 33 2 \\N R
21 24646 1032 1 131 44 1 1 1
22 24647 1032 822 131 77 4 2 2
23 24648 1032 830 9 33 2 3 3
24 24649 1032 848 9 23 6 4 4
⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮

Evolution of Constructors

One thing I would like to see is the evolution of constructors over the years:

gdfy = groupby(df_resulrac, [:constructorRef, :year]);
dfcy = combine(gdfy, :points => sum)

1,091 rows × 3 columns

constructorRef year points_sum
String31 Int64 Float64
1 mclaren 2008 151.0
2 bmw_sauber 2008 135.0
3 williams 2008 26.0
4 renault 2008 80.0
5 toro_rosso 2008 39.0
6 ferrari 2008 172.0
7 toyota 2008 56.0
8 super_aguri 2008 0.0
9 red_bull 2008 29.0
10 force_india 2008 0.0
11 honda 2008 14.0
12 ferrari 2007 204.0
13 mclaren 2007 218.0
14 bmw_sauber 2007 101.0
15 renault 2007 51.0
16 williams 2007 33.0
17 toyota 2007 13.0
18 honda 2007 6.0
19 super_aguri 2007 4.0
20 red_bull 2007 24.0
21 toro_rosso 2007 8.0
22 spyker 2007 1.0
23 renault 2006 206.0
24 ferrari 2006 201.0
⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮
filter(:year => year -> year == 2008, dfcy)

11 rows × 3 columns

constructorRef year points_sum
String31 Int64 Float64
1 mclaren 2008 151.0
2 bmw_sauber 2008 135.0
3 williams 2008 26.0
4 renault 2008 80.0
5 toro_rosso 2008 39.0
6 ferrari 2008 172.0
7 toyota 2008 56.0
8 super_aguri 2008 0.0
9 red_bull 2008 29.0
10 force_india 2008 0.0
11 honda 2008 14.0
f(ref, yr) = ref == "mclaren" && yr == 2008;
filter([:constructorRef, :year] => f, dfcy)

1 rows × 3 columns

constructorRef year points_sum
String31 Int64 Float64
1 mclaren 2008 151.0
filter([:constructorRef, :year] => f, dfcy)

1 rows × 3 columns

constructorRef year points_sum
String31 Int64 Float64
1 mclaren 2008 151.0
getConstructPointsYr(constrRef, yr) = filter([:constructorRef, :year] => (x,y) -> x == constrRef && y >= yr, dfcy)
getConstructPointsYr (generic function with 1 method)
mc = getConstructPointsYr("mclaren", 2008); 
ferr = getConstructPointsYr("ferrari", 2008); 
williams = getConstructPointsYr("williams", 2008); 
mercedes = getConstructPointsYr("mercedes", 2008);
redbull = getConstructPointsYr("red_bull", 2008);
plot(ferr[:, :year], ferr[:, :points_sum], marker=:o, color="red", 
    title="Constructors Points since 2008", grid=true, size=(800,400),
    rotation=45, xticks = 2008:2022, legend = true, label="Ferrari")

plot!(mc[:, :year], mc[:, :points_sum], marker=:^, color="blue", label = "McLaren")

plot!(williams[:, :year], williams[:, :points_sum], marker=:diamond, color="green", label = "Williams")

plot!(mercedes[:, :year], mercedes[:, :points_sum], marker=:square, color="orange", label = "Mercedes")

plot!(redbull[:, :year], redbull[:, :points_sum], marker=:cross, color="purple", label = "Red Bull")

That is it for now. Next post we will analyse more driver and lap data.